Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Costa Rica Day 4

Same beginning as yesterday...up @ 6:30 a.m., get dressed and then down to breakfast at 7 a.m.

Breakfast: fresh pineapple, watermelon, bread, rice, scrambled eggs with ham, coffee, tampico

After breakfast, off we went to our jobsites. Our mission today - paint mural, finish sidewalk, mix and pour concrete in the trench to begin building up back wall. Overall, lots of concrete!

When we arrived we were able to finish the sidewalk, however, we were stalled due to rebar posts not being completed for the trench for the fence. So while waiting we all took turns painting the mural.

Lunch: more plantains! YUM!, fried fish, black beans and rice, salad mixture, some other salad/casserole, star fruit juice (delicious!), flan

After lunch we returned to church for more painting on the mural and since we were still unable to mix more concrete, we sat in church during a small thunderstorm and talked about random stuff (getting to know each other-the youth and I). Our adventures on the way back to the hotel included a stop at the "Mega Super" for some to buy snacks, etc. Then a whole group trip for ice cream at Pops, the same place we went to last night. Then back to the hotel for rest and relaxation.

Dinner: chicken, mashed potatoes with whole green olives, salad, rice and some sort of cake with chocolate icing

Later I played Tabletopics game with the youth where everyone would answer the same question which helped us get to know each other more.

POW's and WOW's: My POW was the down time when we could have been more productive, but WOW is how Roger and Omar have been so hospitable by checking to make sure we have everything we need.

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