Saturday, July 19, 2008

Costa Rica Day 1

Arrive in San Jose, Costa Rica @ 1:30 p.m.
Weather: Cloudy, drizzle, then downright rain!

Omar, our hired bus driver for the week, piled all our luggage on the roof of our bus and covered with tarp, all the while the rain came pouring down! Then onto our hotel for the next 6 nights. About 2 hours later we arrive at Hotel Talamarica Pococi. During the ride only one person suffered from motion sickness from the ride up and down the mountains and through the rainforest.

Dinner: rice, marinated chicken, steamed cauliflower, lettuce and carrot mixture (salad), sliced tomatoes
Dessert: flan

After dinner discussions between adults and game playing by youth (the game of spoons).

POWs and WOWs with the youth before bed- to share good and bad things/happenings fromt he day: overall-food good and not many POWs

P.S. still not sure about the ice! ¿safe or unsafe?

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